Below you'll find a breakdown of a handful of lines of code that get used when making the NFT embed look so beautiful! Of course, the code explained below is a mere fraction of what goes on behind the scenes. These powerful lines empower our users to host NFTs how and when they want.
custom css for nft embed
"general": {
"color": "black",
"background": "linear-gradient(170deg, #bceb00 15.57%, #00eaea 84.88%)", // the linear color change in the background of the embed
"borderRadius": "20px",
"height": "100%"
"metadata": { // metadata properties box = MPB
"backgroundColor": "black", // the color of the MPB
"fontSize": "12px", // the size of the font in the MPB
"color": "white", // the secondary font for the MPB
"margin": "0.2rem", // space around MPB borders
"padding": "0.3rem", // space between MPB content and borders
"textAlign": "center", // the font location inside the MPB
"border": "1px solid white", // the border around the MPB
"borderRadius": "10px" // the radius of the box corners around the MPB
"asset": {
"borderRadius": "10px", // the radius of the box corners of the NFT
"padding":"10px", // space between NFT content and embed borders
"border": "10px solid pink" // border around NFT